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Mastering Control: 5 Quick Tips to Avoid Popping the Ball Up in Pickleball

Popping the ball up in pickleball can lead to lost points and give your opponents an advantage. To improve your game and keep the ball low, it’s important to focus on a soft touch, adjust your grip, aim for a flat paddle face, find the sweet spot, and lower your contact point. These five quick tips will help you develop better control, accuracy, and consistency in your shots, reducing the likelihood of popping the ball up and improving your overall performance on the court.

1. Focus on a Soft Touch

Importance of a Soft Touch:

In pickleball, a soft touch refers to hitting the ball with less force and aiming for a gentle contact. This approach is crucial to avoid popping the ball up and maintain better control over your shots. Focusing on a soft touch allows the paddle to absorb some of the ball’s energy, resulting in a smoother and more controlled shot.

Shifting from Power to Control:

One common mistake that leads to popping the ball up is using excessive power in your shots. Instead of relying solely on power, prioritize control by adopting a softer touch. Shifting your focus from power to control helps in keeping the ball low and in play, reducing the risk of giving your opponents an advantage.

Adjusting Paddle Contact:

When attempting a soft touch, aim to make contact with the ball gently. Avoid swinging too forcefully or aggressively. Instead, try to meet the ball with a smooth and controlled stroke. By adjusting your paddle contact to be softer, you minimize the chances of generating excessive force that could cause the ball to pop up.

Allowing the Paddle to Absorb Energy:

The goal of a soft touch is to allow the paddle to absorb some of the ball’s energy upon contact. Rather than hitting the ball with a rigid or forceful stroke, let the paddle cushion the impact. This absorption of energy helps to mitigate the upward force that may cause the ball to pop up.

Developing Touch and Feel:

Developing touch and feel is essential to achieving a soft touch in pickleball. Practice hitting the ball with varying degrees of force and focus on sensing the amount of energy being transferred to the paddle. Gradually refine your strokes to find the right balance between power and control. With practice, you’ll develop a better sense of touch, enabling you to execute softer shots and reduce the likelihood of popping the ball up.


2. Adjust Your Grip

Importance of Grip Adjustment:

The way you grip the paddle in pickleball can significantly impact your shot execution. Gripping the paddle too tightly can result in excessive force and an increased tendency to pop the ball up. Therefore, it’s important to evaluate and adjust your grip to promote a softer touch and better control.

Evaluate Your Current Grip:

Take a moment to assess your current grip on the paddle. Notice how tightly you are holding it during your shots. Gripping the paddle too tightly can limit your wrist mobility and make it difficult to achieve the desired touch on the ball.

Loosen Your Grip:

To address this issue, try loosening your grip slightly. Relax your hand and fingers to allow for a more natural and flexible grip. Avoid gripping the paddle too tightly or tensely, as this can lead to a rigid stroke and an increased likelihood of popping the ball up.

Promote a Softer Touch:

By loosening your grip, you promote a softer touch on the ball. This allows for more finesse and control in your shots. With a softer touch, you can better absorb the energy of the ball and direct it with precision, reducing the chances of popping it up.

Find the Right Balance:

While it’s important to loosen your grip, be mindful not to go to the other extreme and hold the paddle too loosely. Finding the right balance is key. Aim for a grip that provides a sense of control and stability while still allowing for flexibility and a softer touch.

Practice and Adjust:

Adjusting your grip may feel unfamiliar at first, so it’s essential to practice and become comfortable with the new grip. Take the time to practice your shots, focusing on maintaining a relaxed grip and executing a soft touch on the ball. Gradually, this adjusted grip will become more natural and integrated into your game.

3. Aim for a Flat Paddle Face

Importance of a Flat Paddle Face:

Maintaining a flat paddle face is essential in pickleball as it allows for better control and helps to reduce the chances of popping the ball up. When the paddle face is flat, it provides a larger hitting surface and ensures a more even contact with the ball, resulting in a more controlled shot.

Avoid Excessive Wrist Movement:

Excessive wrist movement during your shots can lead to inconsistent paddle face positioning and increase the risk of popping the ball up. It’s important to minimize excessive wrist flicks or bends while making contact with the ball. Keep your wrist stable and focus on maintaining a neutral position throughout the shot.

Technique for a Flat Paddle Face:

To achieve a flat paddle face, follow these steps:

A. Proper Grip:

Start with a proper grip on the paddle. Ensure that your grip is comfortable and allows for maneuverability. Avoid gripping the paddle too tightly, as it can restrict your wrist movement and affect the paddle face angle.

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B. Stable Paddle Face:

Before making contact with the ball, ensure that your paddle face is parallel to the ground or as flat as possible. This means that the face of the paddle should be level, without tilting upwards or downwards.

C. Solid Contact:

When striking the ball, aim to make solid and clean contact with the sweet spot of the paddle. The sweet spot is typically located near the center of the paddle face. By hitting the ball with the sweet spot, you maximize control and minimize the chances of popping it up.

D. Follow-Through:

After making contact with the ball, maintain a stable paddle face throughout your follow-through. This helps to ensure that the paddle face remains flat and prevents any unintentional lifting of the ball.

Practice and Feedback:

Developing a consistent flat paddle face requires practice and feedback. Spend time practicing your shots and focusing on maintaining a flat paddle face throughout your hitting motion. Experiment with different grips and observe the impact on your paddle face angle. Seek feedback from experienced players or coaches who can help you identify any flaws in your technique and provide guidance for improvement.

4. Find the Sweet Spot

Importance of the Sweet Spot:

The sweet spot refers to the area on the paddle’s face that provides optimal contact with the ball. Hitting the ball on the sweet spot offers several advantages, including better feel, control, and reduced likelihood of popping the ball up.

Locating the Sweet Spot:

The sweet spot is typically located near the center of the paddle’s face. It may vary slightly depending on the specific design and shape of your paddle. Take some time to familiarize yourself with your paddle and find the area where you consistently make the best contact with the ball.

Practice and Repetition:

Improving your ability to hit the sweet spot requires practice and repetition. Dedicate specific training sessions to focus on hitting the ball on the sweet spot consistently. By doing so, you’ll develop a better feel for the paddle and the ball, enhancing your overall control and shot accuracy.

Adjustments to Technique:

Pay attention to your technique while aiming for the sweet spot. Make adjustments as needed to ensure your paddle face aligns correctly with the ball. Concentrate on keeping the paddle face flat and square to the ball at the point of contact. This will increase your chances of hitting the sweet spot consistently.

Feedback and Fine-Tuning:

Seek feedback from experienced players, coaches, or instructors to evaluate your paddle contact and help identify any areas for improvement. They can provide guidance on adjustments to your grip, swing motion, and paddle positioning that will enhance your ability to consistently hit the sweet spot.

Visualize and Feel:

Incorporate visualization techniques and mental imagery to enhance your ability to hit the sweet spot. During practice or games, imagine yourself making perfect contact with the ball on the sweet spot. Focus on the feeling of a clean connection, which will help train your muscles to replicate that sensation.

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Consistency and Muscle Memory:

Consistency is key when it comes to hitting the sweet spot consistently. Regular practice and repetition will help develop muscle memory, allowing you to instinctively find the sweet spot with each shot. As you continue to train, hitting the sweet spot will become more natural and instinctive, reducing the likelihood of popping the ball up.

5. Focus on a Lower Contact Point

Importance of a Lower Contact Point:

Focusing on a lower contact point is crucial to prevent popping the ball up in pickleball. By positioning yourself slightly lower and hitting the ball with a downward motion, you can keep the ball low and reduce the chances of your shots going too high.

Adjust Your Body Position:

When approaching the ball, make an effort to bend your knees and get closer to the ground. This lower body position allows for a more level contact point with the ball. By lowering your center of gravity, you gain better control and the ability to hit the ball downward, minimizing the chances of popping it up.

Bend Your Knees:

Bending your knees is an essential part of achieving a lower contact point. It helps you stabilize your body and maintain balance during the shot. By bending your knees, you can generate power and control from a lower position, ensuring a more controlled shot that keeps the ball low.

Maintain Good Balance and Footwork:

As you lower your body and bend your knees, it’s crucial to maintain good balance and footwork. Ensure that your weight is evenly distributed and centered. This will provide stability and allow for smooth movement during your shot execution. Focus on maintaining a strong and balanced stance throughout the shot.

Practice Shot Execution from a Lower Position:

To improve your ability to keep the ball low, practice hitting shots from a lower position. Incorporate drills and exercises that require you to bend your knees and get closer to the ground. Work on executing various shots, such as dinks, volleys, or groundstrokes, from this lower contact point. Gradually increase the difficulty and speed of the shots as you become more comfortable with the lower position.


To prevent the ball from popping up, focus on a soft touch by hitting the ball with less force and aiming for a gentle contact. Adjust your grip to promote a softer touch, aim for a flat paddle face, find the sweet spot on your paddle, and work on hitting the ball with a lower contact point.

Hitting the ball with excessive power can cause it to bounce off the paddle at a higher angle, leading to a pop-up. Instead of relying solely on power, prioritize control by adopting a softer touch. Adjust your technique and focus on a downward motion to keep the ball low and reduce popping.

Improving control and accuracy requires practice and technique refinement. Focus on a soft touch, find the sweet spot on your paddle, and work on hitting the ball with a flat paddle face. Additionally, practice hitting the ball from a lower contact point by bending your knees and maintaining good balance and footwork.

There are several drills you can incorporate into your training to develop a softer touch and reduce popping. These include practicing dinks, volleys, and groundstrokes from a lower contact point, focusing on hitting the ball with a downward motion, and working on hitting the ball with a controlled and smooth stroke. Consistent practice with these drills will help improve your touch and control over time.

Dustin DeTorres

Dustin has been a Pickleball enthusiast for years and dedicated this blog to providing the best information out there about this fun game.

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