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5 Legal Serves That Will Tear Your Opponent Apart


A strong and strategic serve in pickleball can give you a significant advantage over your opponents, setting the tone for the entire match. While it’s essential to ensure that your serves comply with the rules of the game, there are several powerful and effective serve variations that can help you dominate the court. In this article, we will explore five legal serves that have the potential to tear your opponent apart and elevate your pickleball game.

1. The Hard and Fast Drive Serves

 The Hard and Fast Drive Serves

The hard and fast drive serve is a formidable weapon in your pickleball arsenal. Here are some additional tips to enhance your execution:

Proper Technique

To execute a powerful drive serve, focus on a few key elements of your technique. Start with a relaxed grip on your paddle and maintain a loose wrist throughout the swing. Use your legs and core muscles to generate power, transferring the energy into your shot. Aim to make solid contact with the ball at the center of your paddle, ensuring a clean and forceful strike.

Targeting the Non-Volley Zone (NVZ)

The primary objective of the drive serve is to put pressure on your opponent by aiming for their non-volley zone. By delivering a flat and high-speed serve directly at the NVZ, you force your opponent to make a quick decision and react defensively. The speed and precision of the drive serve make it challenging for them to execute an aggressive return, giving you an advantage from the very start of the point.

Control and Accuracy

While power is essential in the drive serve, maintaining control and accuracy is equally important. Practice consistently to find the right balance between power and precision. Focus on keeping the ball low over the net and landing it deep in the opponent’s court. By placing the ball in challenging areas, you increase the likelihood of forcing your opponent into defensive positions and gaining control of the point.

By mastering the hard and fast drive serve, you’ll be able to put immediate pressure on your opponents and set the tone for the match. With a combination of technique, targeting, and control, you can make this serve a formidable weapon in your repertoire. Practice regularly and refine your skills to ensure a powerful and accurate drive serve that will keep your opponents on their toes.

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2. The Spin Serve

The Spin Serve

Adding spin to your serve can be a game-changer in pickleball. Here’s how to perfect your spin serves:

Topspin Serve

To execute a topspin serve, focus on brushing your paddle upward at contact with the ball. This upward motion imparts forward rotation, causing the ball to dip and bounce higher upon landing. The topspin serve can be particularly effective when aiming for the back of the opponent’s court, forcing them to backpedal and making it challenging to return with control. Practice generating consistent topspin to keep your opponents on their toes.

Slice Serve

The slice serve involves brushing your paddle across the ball, creating side spin that causes the ball to curve and change direction. Aim to slice the ball from the right side of your paddle to the left (for right-handed players). This imparts clockwise spin on the ball, resulting in a curve towards the sideline. The slice serve can catch your opponent off guard and force them into awkward positions, making it difficult to execute a strong return. Mastering the slice serve adds an element of unpredictability to your game.

3. The Angle Serve

The angle serve is a strategic shot that puts your opponent at a disadvantage. Here’s how to make the most of the angle serve:

Directing the Serve

Instead of aiming for the center of the opponent’s court, direct your serve towards the sideline, creating a diagonal trajectory. By placing the serve wide, you force your opponent to move laterally and stretch to return the ball. This disrupts their positioning and makes it challenging for them to generate power or control in their return. The angle serve allows you to open up the court for your subsequent shots, giving you an advantage in dictating the flow of the game.

Varying the Angle

To keep your opponent guessing, experiment with different angles in your serves. Mix it up by occasionally aiming towards the sideline, and at other times, direct the serve towards the middle of the court. By varying the angle, you make it difficult for your opponent to anticipate your shots and adjust their positioning accordingly. The element of surprise will work in your favor and give you the upper hand in controlling the point.

By incorporating spin serves and angle serves into your repertoire, you add versatility and deception to your game. Mastering these techniques will keep your opponents guessing and make it challenging for them to return your serves with consistency. Practice diligently, experiment with different spins and angles, and observe how these serves disrupt your opponent’s rhythm, allowing you to take control of the match.

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4. The Drop Serve

The drop serve is a strategic and finesse shot that can catch your opponent off guard. Here’s how to execute the drop serve effectively:

Gentle Touch

The key to the drop serve is to hit the ball with a soft touch, causing it to drop just over the net. Use a gentle swing and focus on placing the ball in the kitchen or non-volley zone (NVZ). The idea is to land the serve softly, denying your opponent the opportunity to make an aggressive return. By executing a drop serve, you force your opponent to take a step back and give up their position at the net, allowing you to control the pace and direction of the game right from the start.

Location and Placement

To maximize the effectiveness of the drop serve, aim to place the ball near the net and close to the sideline. By hugging the sideline, you limit the angles your opponent can use to return the serve and increase the chances of catching them off balance. Accuracy is key, so practice landing the drop serve consistently in the target area to keep your opponents guessing and on their toes.

5. The Body Serve

The body serve is a tactical move that disrupts your opponent’s positioning and limits their ability to execute a strong return. Here’s how to effectively execute a body serve:

Targeting the Torso or Hips

Instead of aiming for the sidelines or corners, direct your serve towards your opponent’s body. Specifically, aim for their torso or hips. By targeting these areas, you cramp their movement and restrict their swing, making it difficult for them to generate power and accuracy in their return. The body serve puts your opponent in an uncomfortable position, forcing them to make quick adjustments and limiting their ability to execute their desired shot.

Creating Weak Returns

The body serve often results in weak returns from your opponent. The restricted movement and limited swing make it challenging for them to generate power and control. This gives you an offensive advantage, allowing you to anticipate and set up for a strong follow-up shot. Stay prepared for weak returns and be ready to capitalize on the opportunity to take control of the point.

By incorporating the drop serve and body serve into your game, you add versatility and strategic depth to your serves. These shots can disrupt your opponent’s rhythm and put them on the defensive, giving you an edge in dictating the flow of the game. Practice these serves consistently, refine your accuracy and placement, and observe how they tear your opponent apart by limiting their options and setting you up for offensive dominance.

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Mastering powerful and strategic serves in pickleball can give you a significant advantage over your opponents. By incorporating the hard and fast drive serve, spin serves, angle serves, drop serve, and body serve into your game, you can tear your opponents apart and elevate your pickleball skills to the next level. These serves provide a combination of power, deception, and precision that can disrupt your opponent’s rhythm, force defensive returns, and set you up for offensive dominance. Practice diligently, refine your technique, and experiment with different variations to keep your opponents guessing and on their toes. With these five legal serves in your repertoire, you’ll be able to control the flow of the game and leave your opponents in awe.


To serve in pickleball, stand behind the baseline and diagonally cross-court from your opponent. Hold the pickleball with an underhand grip and swing your paddle in an upward motion, making contact with the ball below your waist. Aim to serve the ball diagonally into the opponent’s service box, ensuring it clears the non-volley zone (NVZ) and lands within the opposite diagonal service box.

Illegal serves in pickleball are those that do not comply with the rules and regulations of the game. Some examples of illegal serves include failing to strike the ball below the waist, stepping on or over the baseline during the serve, or allowing the ball to bounce twice before hitting it. It’s important to understand and adhere to the specific rules regarding serves to ensure fair play.

A power serve in pickleball is a serve that is hit with significant force and speed. It aims to put pressure on the opponent by making it challenging for them to return the serve effectively. A power serve typically involves a strong swing and a flat trajectory, targeting specific areas of the opponent’s court to limit their options and gain an advantage in the point.

A spin serve in pickleball involves adding spin to the ball, causing it to rotate and change its trajectory upon contact. There are different types of spin serves, including topspin and slice serves. A topspin serve is hit with an upward brushing motion, causing the ball to dip and bounce higher upon landing. A slice serve involves brushing the paddle across the ball, creating side spin and causing the ball to curve and change direction. Spin serves can add variation and unpredictability to your serves, making it challenging for opponents to return the ball consistently.

Dustin DeTorres

Dustin has been a Pickleball enthusiast for years and dedicated this blog to providing the best information out there about this fun game.

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